Another dress post! Dont forget about eBay and ready-to-wear designers for beautiful and affordable dresses. This one is BCBG and is being sold for $50. Take a look!
I can just see it on a city bride with a small reception at a chic resturant!
Im back! Sorry for the long hiatus. After returning from our honeymoon I just couldn't go near anything wedding for a while. Posting may be more sporadic than before, but there will be posting! First up:
How adorable is this Flickr collection of Paper Moon photos? I thought this would translate as an adorable idea for a wedding photo booth. Especially if the wedding is vintage themed. As props you could have vintage ladies and gentleman's hats or some of those popular mustaches on a stick!
I made this sweet little garter in about 10 minutes. I started with some beautiful French embroidered ribbon from M&J. Then some double faced satin in 1/2" and 1/4" widths. I also spotted the adorable blue glass flower button with crystal center.
I backed the French ribbon with the 1/2" satin, and fed 1/4" elastic through it, and sewed up the back.
Then I tied a little bow and topped it off with the flower button!
Here is a little DIY project I've been working on for our rehearsal dinner! Cupcake banners! The dinner is being held at a brewery, so the atmosphere will be very laid back. Still, I wanted to add some special details to dress up our dessert!
First, since E and I live here in NYC, I used an MTA map as paper! It comes in a very large fold out size, so I cut out four 8.5 x 11 sections and just fed them through the printer. Easy peasy. Then I designed some personalized banners on Illustrator. I chose colors to compliment the map, and also cute phrases to feature. For example: "E & M", "10-10-09", "Amore" and my personal favorite "Sweet Love." I cut them all out, hot glued a crystal bead on the top of the tooth pick, glued and folded! So easy, and since I already had all the supplies and MTA maps are free, this project cost me NADA!
I will be walking the isle to "One Hand, One Heart" from West Side Story.
Lyrics to "One Hand, One Heart" from West Side Story
Make of our hands one hand, Make of our hearts one heart, Make of our vows one last vow: Only death will part us now. Make of our lives one life, Day after day, one life. Now it begins, now we start One hand, one heart; Even death won't part us now.
-Music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim